Town Roads
Centerville has 38 miles of roads. All town road work is contracted; the Town does not own any equipment or have a full-time road person. Please call if you see any road problems or hazards.
Town ordinances require permits for any work done on or in the road right of way, and for new driveways/culverts. Permits are available from the Zoning Administrator.
Pictures from Winter 2013/2014
During the winter months, if you see any ice/snow problems, please contact either the Chairman or one of the Supervisors. Please DO NOT contact our road contractor. If unable to reach them, please call the Town Clerk. Since we do not have a full-time road crew, we must rely on residents to report problems. Please help us keep our roads safe by calling one of the supervisors on any road problems.
Road Work: 2023 road work included:
* Pulverizing and paving of 1 mile of Union Road between Point Creek and County Road X.
* Replacing of 10 culverts within the town.
If you see any road problems, please call either the Chairman or one of the Supervisors.
Weed Notice: Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 66.0407, WI Statutes, to each and every owner, occupant or person in control of all private lands within the Town of Centerville that it is their duty to destroy all noxious weeds on such property. Noxious weeds include Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge and Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny). The following are defined as nuisance weeds: Purple Loosestrife, Burdock, Wild Mustard , Yellow Rocket and Phragmites. Please click on each name to see pictures of that weed. If any person neglects to destroy any weeds required, the Town Board shall cause all such weeds to be destroyed in a manner deemed to be the most economical. An accurate account of the expenses of that weed cutting will be kept and will be sent to the property owner. If unpaid by the end of the current year, the unpaid amount will be placed on the tax roll and collected as other taxes are collected.
Town ordinances require permits for any work done on or in the road right of way, and for new driveways/culverts. Permits are available from the Zoning Administrator.
Pictures from Winter 2013/2014
During the winter months, if you see any ice/snow problems, please contact either the Chairman or one of the Supervisors. Please DO NOT contact our road contractor. If unable to reach them, please call the Town Clerk. Since we do not have a full-time road crew, we must rely on residents to report problems. Please help us keep our roads safe by calling one of the supervisors on any road problems.
Road Work: 2023 road work included:
* Pulverizing and paving of 1 mile of Union Road between Point Creek and County Road X.
* Replacing of 10 culverts within the town.
If you see any road problems, please call either the Chairman or one of the Supervisors.
Weed Notice: Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 66.0407, WI Statutes, to each and every owner, occupant or person in control of all private lands within the Town of Centerville that it is their duty to destroy all noxious weeds on such property. Noxious weeds include Canada Thistle, Leafy Spurge and Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny). The following are defined as nuisance weeds: Purple Loosestrife, Burdock, Wild Mustard , Yellow Rocket and Phragmites. Please click on each name to see pictures of that weed. If any person neglects to destroy any weeds required, the Town Board shall cause all such weeds to be destroyed in a manner deemed to be the most economical. An accurate account of the expenses of that weed cutting will be kept and will be sent to the property owner. If unpaid by the end of the current year, the unpaid amount will be placed on the tax roll and collected as other taxes are collected.